About Me: The Enchanted One

I'm Natalie, a late twenty-something writing addict, general Wedding enthusiast and the hopelessly romantic creator of Enchanted Occasions and Pink Lemonade Productions.
Born in 2012, Enchanted Occasions is a Wedding Consultancy that offers services from practical advice to budget management and all inclusive planning packages to Brides (and Grooms) to-be across the UK.
'Pink Lemonade Productions' is the love-child of Enchanted Occasions and is an up-and-coming retro and vintage prop hire company...you read it here first!
I have previously written a guest blog for USA based Company Wedding Republic and you can find me on Twitter and Facebook, too!

The Enchanted Bride is a blog designed to give practical advice and helpful hints and tips to Brides-to-be. With a finger firmly on the pulse of the wedding industry, Expect DIY projects, fab ideas and the latest trends from me; The Enchanted One.